The Best Excuse for Staying Stuck (Yes, you have used it, too)
So what is the worlds bestest excuse for staying stuck?
Hint: We all have it. It’s for free. You don’t notice the lack of it when you waste it…
When you waste money for example it reflects on your account
When you waste TIME it costs you money, too but you might not notice it, because it’s not so obvious…You might feel super BUSY, working all day, but at the end of the day you have no RESULTS…
Do you know this feeling? Does this sound like you?
Does this sound familiar? “If I had time I’d__________”
Are you using it? Because many people are using it for never finishing things
The best excuse in the world: “I don’t have time”
“I have to finish my webpage. It will be great, but I don’t have time.”
“I have this great book inside me, but I don’t have time to write…”
“I have that great business idea, but I’ll stay in my dead-en job a little longer until I have time.”
When I talk to my fellow coaches we’re all handling the “I don’t have time” very carefully.
Because we know that “I’m sorry, I can’t meet you. I don’t have time.” translates into “I’m sorry. I can’t meet you. You are not important enough for me!”
Then we rather say: “I’m sorry. I can’t meet you. I have other priorities. I have to finish this project”
The time you are looking for is all around you! You just have to stop with the excuses and find it. Half an hour a day for 60 days equals 30 hours! 15 minutes for yourself every day add up to 90 hours during a year.
And as Tony Robbins says “If you don’t have 15 minutes for yourself each day, you don’t have a life!”
So start finding time! It probably doesn’t come in 60 minutes chunks. It comes in tiny bits of 3 or 5 minutes, but added up you will find a lot of it.
Start NOW! Work 10 minutes a day on your webpage and check the results in a month, start writing the book you have inside you.
Stop using time as an excuse and start using your time better!